Phone Annie On +27 83 270 1995

NLP in Hi Performance Coaching!

NLP is an acronym used to describe ‘Neuro Linguistic Programming’:
Neuro refers to neurological, which has to do with the mind, its thinking and the nervous system.

Linguistic refers to language and communication, and that is the use and understanding, as well as the influence of words in our lives. Language and communication in this scenario, touch on both internal and external use – and this again includes our perceptions and relationship with the world.

Programming refers to structures, processes and habits running our behaviour and affects the choices about the way we think, speak and feel.

During Performance Coaching Sessions, I use a Methodology designed to study, model and train the group’s excellence, based on what I receive from the Company. A personal Interview is part of the planning for the period of Coaching which means that I am aware of their values, goals and visions.

I use Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to provide ways to understand how people do what they do, and how to upgrade what they do, when they’d like to do better.  I apply NLP as a practical tool and model of human behaviour that has, at its core, specific interest in the patterns of behaviour that distinguish excellent performance from average performance.

This Program is widely known as “the fastest and most powerful vehicle for personal change in existence!” – Psychology Today.

As a Creativity Consultant, I have designed my own Facilitation Workshops, around these principles, and add Creative Problem Solving Models, as well as Creative Engagement Strategies to every Session.

The Client has one half-day Session with me and the 12 people they select, before we sign a 3 months or 6 months Contract to assure the Outcomes we both want to achieve after the period. There are follow-up Sessions and my style is to stay in touch with the client for as long as possible.

The duration of the Sessions is two hours and I facilitate once a week at the Client’s own venue. For more specific information, as well as a coffee-chat with me, please email my office at
You are also welcome to phone me on 083 270 1995

Through the years, NLP has developed some very powerful techniques and processes that are used widely today in various fields to enhance performance, overcome negative emotions and limiting beliefs, facilitate healing and improve relationships.
More Information on NLP is widely available on the Internet, but here is another brief summary of NLP  –  I apply the basic principles of NLP in my own style of Courageous Conversations.
NLP is a branch of cognitive psychology which was developed in the USA in the 1970’s. NLP is used by personal coaches, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and business consultants to assist people in transforming their lives, their relationships and their goals. NLP includes a number of patterns for changing how people perceive the world around them, so they have the resources they need when they’re faced with challenging situations.

NLP is solution-oriented. Every problem carries within it a solution. The solution is often a question of perspective and the flexibility to integrate our own new perspectives. Solution-oriented thinking and acting that is supported by NLP provides more playroom for the decision making process.

NLP is resource-oriented. NLP presupposes that everyone already carries within them all the resources they need for mastering their life. The treasures must first be uncovered. Those in touch with their strength, their talents and their abilities possess the energy to easily achieve their goals and ambitions.

NLP teaches you how you do what you do: How you take in the information from the world around you, what you do with that information inside your head and how what you do results in states such as happiness or depression; a body that is healthy or dis-eased, as well as how all your feelings and behaviours are motivated by your personal internal representations (or maps of reality) and how these can be easily updated with NLP.

To conclude: Let’s look at a few more definitions:

  • The study of human excellence
  • The study of how mind (neuro) and language (linguistic) interface to create our internal programs and our reality (programming)
  • The study of people and how they perceive reality
  • The study of people and how they process information about the world around them
  • The study of subjective experience
  • The study of human transformation
  • The art and science of how people change
  • The art and science of being at cause in life and creating a positive life
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